Public Sector Services

Public Sector Services

We provide solutions to enable government entities to meet their institutional objectives set at national, local and regional level. 

We carry out audit and consultancy engagements with the main multilateral credit organizations. Because of the General Eligibility category granted to us by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) our Firm is automatically short listed for competitive tenders.

Our vast experience in Public Sector matters has been obtained during more than 30 years' practice and a large number of successful projects for government entities, as well as national, bi-national and multilateral institutions.

Audit and consultancy services rendered in connection with projects financed by credit institutions – among them IADB, World Bank, European Union, Andean Fund, and the United Nations Development Program—have contributed to the modernization of the State, and its administrative-financial, fiscal, control and citizen participation programs.


Process improvement and optimization
- Organizations' strategic diagnosis 
- Implementation of internal controls (COSO)
- Implementation of quality management systems 

Institutional strengthening
- Financial management
- Tax administration 
- Design and implementation of data bases for public investment projects 
- System design and implementation for budget formulation, execution and monitoring 
- Management systems for sector programs (health, education, social development, energy, transportation, among others) 

Social impact surveys
- Socio-demographic surveys 
- Statistical design, planning and sampling 
- Geographic information system 

Asset management
- Fixed asset management
- Fixed asset inventory 

Information systems and technology
- Design and issuance of policies and regulations 
- Strategic system planning 
- Advisory on software, platform, infrastructure and connectivity alternatives 

Human Resources
- Design and implementation of management systems 
- Organizational environment surveys 
- Education 
- Corporate identity and profile research

- Environmental impact assessment 
- Environmental planning and management 
- Urban solid waste treatment 

Corporate social responsibility
- Design and issuance of Social Environmental Statement 
- CSR process improvement 
- Implementation of CSR regulations

- Digital conversion and information management 
- Implementation of digital signature at government entities 
- Development and management of document databases
- Paperwork digitalization