Information Process Assurance

Information Process Assurance

Our service area focuses on the main pillars that provide assurance to our clients' businesses in the face of innovation, digital transformation, and the use of technology, both in support processes and in business and productive processes.

Our clients need to focus more on their business, which is why we facilitate significant strategic improvement in both the management of their processes supported by technology and the information they manage. Our concept of the Technology Governance Cube is aimed at measuring and facilitating innovation and digital transformation in companies, allowing us to provide significant insight into the response to risks associated with cybersecurity, privacy, data management, and technology administration, risks that currently constitute a large part of corporate governance concerns.

Why the Technology Governance Cube?

Because from our practice of technological Governance, Risk & Compliance, Processes, Continuity, and Knowledge Management, we strategically support our clients in understanding and defining tailor-made solutions for their business ENVIRONMENT, from which the Government and IT Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Digital Forensics sectors develop these solutions in the required TECHNOLOGY dimension for the business, ensuring their results not only from a technological point of view but also based on MANAGEMENT, which is reviewed from our IT Audit, Control, and Regulations sectors.