

International, national, and specific standards for the different industries that affect an organization have multiplied in recent years. Control bodies have also issued a host of regulations with the aim of providing greater security, stability, and transparency to financial markets and all interested parties, forcing entities to comply with a series of organizational and functional requirements.

The exchange of information at the international level on issues of tax evasion and money laundering is emerging as an irreversible trend. On the other hand, and related to behavior patterns, fraud is increasingly present, causing greater damage.

Countries are moving towards models of Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, millionaire fines are seen every day against recognized organizations and it is compliance or integrity programs that can produce millionaire savings or save the organization from damage to reputation that is difficult to do. reverse.

In particular in Argentina, similarly to what happens in other countries in the world and in the Region, it is necessary to comply with Law 27401 on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons for Corruption Crimes.

In order to adapt and integrate these guidelines, the “Compliance” function has become vitally important.


Our Compliance Services

  • Development of the Compliance Area and advice to the Management.
  • Development of the Compliance Program.
  • Alignment with international standards ISO 37301 (Compliance Management System) and ISO 37001 (Anti-Corruption Management System). Preparation and support for certification.
  • Definition of indicators. Accompaniment in the execution of compliance tests and system monitoring.
  • Implementation of tools and specific elements of an Integrity Program
  • Risk Identification and Mapping. Review and update of the inventory of risks to be managed
  • Implementation of technology to manage the Compliance function - Continuous monitoring with business intelligence / Analytics tools to develop indicators and alerts - Complaints Channel - Background checks and business intelligence.
  • Use of technology for forensic investigations (Copy of discs and smartphones - Advanced searches in discs and cloud, including emails - Other tools for investigation development).
  • Implementation of Anti-Fraud Management Systems and Investigation Policies.
  • Training and education programs in ethics and compliance (face-to-face and virtual). International Certification as ISO 37001 Implementer and Auditor.
  • Change Management to deepen the ethical and general compliance culture.
  • Application of "Playful Intelligence" techniques and simulation games.
  • Projects to be developed in multiple locations (Regional and Global level)


Some topics developed by our teams of experts

  • Anti-bribery / anti-corruption
  • Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing / AML
  • Culture and ethical behavior.
  • Research
  • Policies related to Respect, including diversity, inclusion and addressing specific issues such as abuse and harassment.
  • Compliance on financial reporting (including Sarbanes-Oxley “SOX Compliance”)