Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

Design of Processes and Controls - Documentation

  • Preparation and/or Adaptation of Policies and Procedures defined for their implementation and monitoring by those responsible.
  • Update of existing documentation: Manuals, Forms, and Reports.
  • Design and implementation of "Profiles" and "Risk Matrices"; segmentation of clients and products.
  • Establishment of parameters for "unusual" and "early warning" operations, for their entry into control systems, ensuring the effectiveness of monitoring.
  • Definition of Monitoring and Control Mechanisms for the detection of unusual operations and reporting of Suspicious Operations.
  • Implementation of document management tools for file management.
  • Functional Consulting in the implementation of Technological Tools for AML/CFT.

Independent Compliance Assessment

  • Independent audit aimed at verifying the degree of compliance in AML/CFT matters with the requirements of UIF Resolution 121 and complementary regulations).
  • "Review and Diagnosis". Identification of Improvement Opportunities and "Regulatory Compliance".
  • Simulation of Inspections.

Advisory Services on Frauds and AML

  • Global services that include investigations initiated by ourselves or that arise from inquiries by regulatory or judicial entities.


  • Training Plans for direct and indirect responsible parties.
  • Advice to the Compliance Officer.
  • Regulatory update.
  • In-company training courses, for all employees according to the levels they occupy in the organization, and specific to their compliance officer.