Internal Audit

We help entities transform the traditional approach to internal audit and risk management by providing an approach that adds value to their strategic objectives.

The competitive, globalized, and regulated environment of the Financial System imposes increasing risks, and the Audit Committee also demands a higher level of assistance in achieving established objectives.

The role of internal audit services defined by BDO is to lead the identification, evaluation, and management of strategic and business risks, adding value to the organization by identifying improvement opportunities and making processes, including costs, more efficient.

The internal audit service is an independent and objective assurance and advisory activity focused on adding value and improving the operations of Financial Entities by assessing the effectiveness of risk management and control processes.

Our services

  • Outsourcing of the internal audit activity:

We report to the Entity's Audit Committee, using BDO's internal audit methodology and best practices for professional exercise. We integrate with the Audit Committee of the Financial Entity.

  • Co-sourcing of the internal audit activity:

We report to the internal audit responsible party, provide a working team for specific reviews, and use the client's internal audit methodology.

  • Advisory to the Audit Committee:

On matters related to the roles and responsibilities of this supervisory body for Financial Entities.

  • Management of the Observations Pending Adaptation Tracking Database:

Through our proprietary software, we manage observations, issuing periodic management reports.